Friday, December 09, 2022

Friday of the 2nd Week of Advent

If only you had been alert to my commandments,

your happiness would have been like a river,

your integrity like the waves of the sea.

Whenever we are in trouble, we cry out to be saved. But when times are good, we forget who saved us and we even go so far as to reject anything that has to do with the Saviour. Until we fall again. This pattern is seen time and again when we read the Old Testament and we ourselves are guilty of falling into this pattern of using God for our own purposes. There is no integrity within us, nor in our relationship with Jesus. We are fickle and not trustworthy in the least.

Jesus told Peter to put out into the deep and when Peter did, he finally managed to get a huge haul of fish after an entire night of empty nets. Likewise, we need to examine our levels of commitment when it comes to God and make a wholehearted decision on whether we trust Him, not just for a season, but for the rest of our lives. 

I desire happiness like a river and integrity like the waves of the sea. Dear Father please grant me the fortitude to always believe in your love for me, and to be alert to the movements of your heart, trusting in you always. 

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