Saturday, March 20, 2021

Lenten Reflection Day 32

“You are not from Galilee also, are you? Look and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.”  John 7:52

When we make up our minds about people and refuse to alter our views no matter what, we are guilty of being judgemental. Prejudice colours our thoughts, commonly fuelled by insecurity, fear, pride and envy. No matter what our friends, peers or elders say, we refuse to listen and may even resort to lashing out irrationally as the Pharisees did to Nicodemus who merely pointed out what due process of the law was.

The Pharisees clearly disparaged Jesus’ humble beginnings, refusing to believe a carpenter’s son had anything to teach them, and they were furious when he showed them up time and time again. When they witnessed his many miracles of healings and saw his rise in popularity, this was their tipping point from derisive scorn into murderous anger.

The lessons we can draw from today’s readings are significant. We must take care never to think ourselves above others just because we happen to be “good” followers of Christ. If we truly follow Christ, then we must welcome everyone in our midst, respect and love every fellow human being, and care for especially the least of our brothers and sisters among us. 

As kingdom builders we are called to build relationships and bonds, not to  separate or isolate ourselves from “sinners” or people whom we deem unworthy of our attention. And finally it’s important to keep an open mind about people, judging them with impartiality and compassion, not sanctimonious indifference. 

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