Monday, March 15, 2021

Lenten Reflection Day 27

You changed my mourning into dancing; O LORD, my God, forever will I give you thanks.  Psalm 12-13

Faith in Jesus Christ is an invitation to a new way of living. As Isaiah 65:18 proclaims there will always be rejoicing and happiness for the Creator has created us to be a joy, a delight. 

This was so in the beginning, life in the Garden of Eden was meant be one of joyful living. But our first father and first mother opted out when they disobeyed God. Yet we were given a huge second chance with Jesus. 

If we take up the challenge of living as committed Christians today, then we will be able to catch glimmers of this new heaven and new earth in our lives. We are never alone for Christ walks with us in every moment. We are strengthened and encouraged by His Spirit when we sail in turbulent waters. Our Father protects us and keeps us from danger. When we encounter loss and experience sorrow, holding fast to Him can help us see things in a new light that can be comforting. 

With a view to eternal life, many wrongs can be put right. What was lost, can be found. We can always find redemption in life, as long as we repent sincerely and wholeheartedly. 

Remember, nothing is impossible with God. So put on your dancing shoes and dance.  

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