Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Lenten Reflection Day 28


Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.” Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked.  John 5:8-9

Sometimes we can be like the lame man in John’s gospel, we don’t make any effort to progress in life, preferring to just lie there and moulder away in self-pity. We even make excuses for not trying at all, whining about the rough deal life has dealt us. 

While all of us will experience ups and downs in life, the promise that Christ makes is we can always get up, like the lame man, and walk away with mat in hand. Miracles like this don’t happen every day, you say? I think they do, you  may have to look a little harder, try a little more convincingly, and perhaps pray with more trust, with a heart open to what will happen.  

Life is what you make of it, especially the lemons that are handed to you. I find that if I give them over to Jesus, He knows exactly what I should do and when I follow His instruction, even if I do grumble at times, the lemons will transform into something incredible, way beyond my imagination. It may not happen immediately most of the time, I may have to stomach the sharpness far longer than I would like, but in the long run, by trusting completely in the Lord, there is a joyful abundance in it all, even during the arid seasons.

Amidst the backdrop of impending doom as Jesus knowingly walks closer to Calvary, He shows us how we should live, unafraid and still very much involved in being a source of healing and light to those around us. He doesn’t compromise on doing what’s right even when it brings Him closer to death. May we learn from His example and become more like Him each day - take up our mats with gratitude and walk in His Spirit. 


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