Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Lenten Reflection Day 22


But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 5:19

Little children have no idea what is dangerous or bad for them. Loving parents set boundaries, create routines, and teach their children right from wrong, good from bad, just so that their children can grow up to be physically and emotionally healthy, socially adjusted, resilient and happy individuals. 

Likewise, God gave Moses commandments to set before the people and their descendants. If they followed the commandments, they would be admired by other nations for their wisdom and intelligence and seen as a developed and civilized nation.

Jesus teaches his disciples that He came to fulfil the Law,  not abolish it. We saw what He meant by this earlier on, that Jesus was calling us to a new order of law. He wants us to go beyond the Law, to live by the principle of a self-giving love that breathes life, purity and new heart into the Law. 

If all our thoughts, words and actions are dictated by the love of God and others, then by virtue of this, we will never break any Law, spiritual or secular, and we would perpetuate this love-infused Law to others, sharing and spreading the gospel love of God, as it were. We would become, most naturally, upright and outstanding human beings, worthy of being called great citizens of the Kingdom of God.

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