Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Lenten Reflection Day 7

 Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.   Mark 6:8

In today’s first reading from Isaiah 55, God says his word goes forth from his mouth and does not return void, instead it does His will, achieving the end for which He sent it. His word is fertile, fruitful and even nourishingly edible. His word is alive as we see in John’s gospel where it was incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ. 

Words we speak can bless or curse others as they can bless or curse us who pronounce them. Thus we should be careful not only with what we say but how we speak and when we utter our words. Growing up with a grandmother who knew how to use expertly use words as a weapon to hurt grievously I have always tried to be careful with my words. I don’t always succeed, especially when my feelings are involved, but I do my best to live by the principle of clarifying my intent before I speak. Once hurtful, malicious words depart my lips, I can never retract them and they will always leave an indelible mark behind even if forgiveness and healing take place. 

Precisely because my Father knows what I need before I ask Him, I should use my words of prayer more judiciously by praying the Lord’s Prayer sincerely. It is the perfect prayer for in it I can first honour Him and His holy name, then orientate my whole being towards doing His will and trusting in His providence, asking for nothing more than forgiveness of my sins and the ability to forgive others. And, of course, to ask for protection against temptation and deliverance from evil. 

Lord Jesus, I pray today that my words will always be as fertile and fruitful as yours were when you were on earth. You who are God’s word, you are the way and truth and the life. May I always utter your words of love and truth and be a blessing to others for I know how blessed I am in you. 

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