Sunday, February 19, 2017

Rising to the challenge

The Scripture from Matthew's Gospel, chapter five, verses thirty-eight to forty- eight, must be one of the most challenging to live out. How can we live out forgiveness in the way that Christ teaches us to? It is all not so easy. But that does not mean we do not try. Even if we fail trying, we cannot stop trying for as Christians, forgiveness should be our chief strength, and how we best resemble Him.

Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Really? They knew exactly what they were doing
They chose to go down that slippery road
The road they paved with asphalt lies and deceit!
A woolly blanket hiding a gravelled sea of greed
Tell me why I should give them my cloak as well
Having lost my tunic out of distracted grief?
Lord, tell me how to be perfect as you are
When I am met with betrayal and derision?
My hurt is cavernous and molten to touch
My soul half-dead, shafted by girders of injustice
I cannot be still, nor silent any longer.

Vengeance is mine, not yours to exact.
Release the yoke you have carried for so long
Use your anger to reclaim the lost coin
Teach the child who feeds voraciously
On his mother's arsenic-laced milk
But walk softly in redressing the wrongs
Glide always on the wings of prayer
Lest the sins of others besmirch you
Weighing you down in bitter, ashy dregs.
You are my hope, my light bearer in the darkness
Never forget your name: My delight is in her
Be always my perfect Daughter and Bride.

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