Monday, July 01, 2024

Excellent questions

And so I have finally hit the big six-o and what have I done to account proudly for my time on earth thus far? How will I proceed in the finite time I have left? Am I living the life I was meant to?

P said something at lunch on Sunday about excellence and the question he threw up is perfect to keep asking oneself, time and again, regardless of whatever one does in life, and whether at work or rest. 

He was actually talking about the workplace and the question one should strive to answer every day is how do I differentiate myself from others, how do I stand out from the crowd? He personally sets himself a high bar for he likes to ask himself what can I do better this year and how can I add value to the organization, and if I can’t, then it is time for me to leave.

This pursuit of excellence is one I have taken quite seriously in everything I do ever since I decided to follow Jesus wholeheartedly in these last 20 years. It’s all about first fruits, what do I set before the Lord as an offering, a sign of my sincere love and high regard for Him? Do I give my best to Jesus, unstintingly, unwaveringly?

Of course I don’t always give my best. I get tired. I get discouraged. I get lazy and complacent. And there are days when I just want to check out of life and play hooky. But, if love is my ethos - love one another as I have loved you - then I need to always come back to this question of personal excellence that is closely linked to P’s question: am I loving others as Jesus did? 

Jesus was perfect. He was divine. He did not sin. If I do my best to love as He did, I will not go far wrong, and I will, quite naturally, differentiate myself from others and stand out from the crowd. I will add value to individuals and society at large which encompasses my family, my workplace, my community and my ministries. I will be the best me to whoever I meet, wherever I am, whatever I do. 

It is not about calling attention to oneself. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It’s about engaging in all the oftentimes challenging, tedious, mundane tasks, and doing them so well, that others do not see your personal effort or sacrifice, even as they enjoy the benefits. It is about putting shoulder to the wheel, day after day, not expecting any reward or affirmation, save the personal satisfaction of knowing one did one’s best. 

Like Moses, my true life, my life in Christ, began after 40. And my true vocation began after 50. Hence I am excited to see what else the Lord has in store for me even as I feel the degenerative effects of age in this milestone year quite markedly. 

I will not stop asking the questions that demand excellence from myself in every area of my life, and, of course, I will continue to lift up all my efforts to He who gave His best out of love of the Father. AMDG

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