Wednesday, August 05, 2015


What is the real truth?
Jesus chose death on the cross freely
So I might live in a garden
Filled with sunlight, humming with life
Rose pink and lavender sweet, 
Softly sighing a jasmine high.
I may not appreciate His sacrifice always, 
But when I do, I am moved to spiritual revolution. 
A new self created in God's way
Of goodness and holy truth.
I walk the way of beauty 
So many can enjoy and come 
To know Him personally 
And find love everlasting, grace infinite,
Life never-ending; a source of hope.
The world can be better, brighter, and lighter,
If you and I hold Him close
And encourage the other to live 
Fully alive in harmony and liberating joy
Freedom never looked so good
I say it again, and again.

NB: Inspired by Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 and Evangelii Gaudium 165.

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