Thursday, August 01, 2013

Cloud spotting

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. In my case, when the false ceiling caves in, find a beautiful place to stay in and regroup.

I am currently in Malacca with my mother and uncle. We arrived yesterday at my parents' condo only to find that a leak in the en suite bathroom had caused the false ceiling to collapse. As this probably happened a couple of months ago, unbeknownst to us, there was mould growing on the walls and furniture. Not a pretty sight, nor smell.

We, however, managed to find a lovely restored old house, Cyclamen Cottage (its owners Cindy and Chris are lovely people), to stay in nearby, and despite the unwelcome mess that greeted our eyes, this trip has attained a certain sense of adventure that has vast appeal.

The "disaster" has forced us to be resourceful and decisive and today's reading on Moses and the Israelites following the cloud resonated with me. Especially in times like these, when change is thrust upon me, and issues spring up that require fairly immediate resolution, I find myself more attentive to God's movement in my life.

I begin to look for the cloud that is distinctively different from ordinary clouds, so that I might follow closely and go where He leads.

I listen more keenly to hear the words of wisdom that come out of others' mouths.

It is so easy to react and vent one's frustrations on others, to give in to confusion in the chaos and scream from the loss of control that ensues, but shouting never achieves much, other than one exercising one's lungs and raising one's blood pressure. Far better to turn to the Father and seek His help, which always comes, if one is open to being helped.

I attended a workshop by Father Ignatius Huan last weekend and he stressed the importance of contemplative prayer and praying with Scripture. To make time to rest in God's Word, and allowing it to transform me.

In attempting to be mindful of this, I can definitely see the graces in the day more clearly and feel my way around the uncomfortable situation with more fluidity. And it has not stopped me from enjoying myself and enjoying the friends and family we have been meeting up with.

Time waits for no man, so it is imperative I make lemonade today to celebrate the moment, instead of dwelling on the tartness of the lemon for even a single minute. Not even the haze that suddenly descended upon us this morning can mar the beauty of this day. Something I give thanks and praise for.

I like cloud spotting.

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