Saturday, January 08, 2011

For Anna

J just messaged me that you are gone.
I am stunned by the suddenness of your leaving,
My throat is tight and my heart heavy with grief,
My eyes sockets ache from the weight of yet unshed tears.
I just saw you last week and you were fine,
We talked. We laughed. You offered me crisps.
I chivvied you into working hard,
To connect your mind and body as you move.
I smiled at how you stuck your tongue out at your mistakes.
We had spoken again just Wednesday past,
Making plans for me to come visit you next week.
And now you leave me, in the last sigh of breath.
Is life fair that death should visit so early in the year?
I am bereft, robbed of the pleasure of your friendship.
But then, you are with G. again and I cannot deny
Your pleasure at being together with him once more,
For I know how much you have missed him.
I am glad for the time we had these last few months,
You were my angel here on earth and I know
You will continue to look out for me.
It's just that now you do it from another place.

1 comment:

K said...

Dear Jackie, my sincerest condolences. I am sure Anna is still very much alive in your heart, especially when you dance. Dance away! Love, K