Thursday, April 01, 2021

Holy Thursday

If I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you should wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you.   John 13:14-15

Jesus was very clear to his disciples what they must do if they were His followers. When Jesus lived, the dusty roads necessitated the washing of feet before reclining at the table to eat, a task carried out by the lowliest of servants. This prime example of servant leadership demonstrates the correct attitude of heart which is that of great humility and service. 

No task was too menial or onerous for Jesus, no person was ever accorded anything but great respect and full assistance when they sought help. Jesus laid hands on and healed the outcasts and the desperate, He fed thousands, He befriended and sat with despised tax collectors and prostitutes, and He even reached out to the Gentiles, bringing healing.  

If we are His disciples, then we, too, must engage in a life of ministry, working tirelessly to be salt and light where we see it is needed, especially to those on the fringes of society, or those who really need our help. 

Today let us ask for eyes to see who among us will benefit from some help, then simply lend assistance, be His hands and feet. Every act of service brings us closer to the heart of our Master and Lord - a good thing. 

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