Tuesday, September 01, 2009

One day

A stream of sparrows twittered by,
In the pearlescent grey dawn.
They flew with unerring sureness, intent on their journey,
Guided by the winds of inner sense.
I envied their verve and grace
Their ability to soar without question or doubt.
While I struggled on the ground to step forward_
Bogged down as I am by my own brokenness and fears.
Surely life cannot be that simple?
To breathe, to live, to take flight!
Inner compass constantly pointing True North
As they make their nests in the crimson-hued temple
Resting in redemption,
(How lovely a dwelling place!)
Having mastered the art of Ignatian contemplation.
Perhaps if I learned to trust
My deepest desires
I could fly
Or lie recumbent, safe within his muscled arms
For one day.

*Inspired by Psalm 84 in the early morning of August 15th

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