Monday, September 28, 2009

Active faith

One of the biggest threats to spiritual growth is dispersion. It is well and good to attend mass regularly, go for prayer meetings or talks, and make retreats seeking God - it is all good.

However, if we don't integrate the insights and affirmation we receive, if we don't ponder the mysteries of life and our own behaviour, we may just experience an epiphany or theophany and let it go. Wasted.

Then we end up wandering around in negative behavioural circles frustrated, angry with God, for we have been faithful and He has not reciprocated.

Why does He not heed our prayer for change when we have been praying for it years on end. Why are we still so unhappy, depressed and dissatisfied?

If we truly desire change of remarkable proportion in our lives, or not to be so clueless about our "vocation" and "mission", then we must act on it.

We must commit to prayer or what I call real J-time: not just talking at God, but taking time to sit still and be with Him, sharing our sorrows and joys, as with a beloved spouse or old friend. Just so that we can understand more and more what makes Him happy, consequently gaining real clarity into the lies and truths of our lives.

This commitment has to be a daily one. We must make it as fundamental as breathing. If we do inculcate this discipline of prayer, we will begin to be more open to His will in all we do. To find God in all things, and thus experience true freedom even when we make difficult decisions, for we will be operating from our authentic selves.

No longer influenced by fear or selfish desire, we are able to take control of any situation and make it our own (as we make it His), even the most shocking, horrendous and sorrowful ones.

True prayer leads to openness of heart and finally, action, which involves gratitude and creative action (see the previous entry).

Like the 10th leper in Luke's gospel who came back to thank Jesus and praise God after being healed of leprosy, and received further healing, his active faith made him well, not just physically, but spiritually as well.

So if you say you believe in God, prove it by acting on it.

Pray. Open your heart and say yes. Give thanks. Create. Act on it. Make a difference.

Every day.

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