Friday, February 24, 2023

Following Him

""Repairer of the breach,"" they shall call you, ""Restorer of ruined homesteads."" 

If I had to choose a superhero name, I wouldn't mind either one of the above. To be able to bring healing, peace and reconciliation to people, families, what a great vocation. 

Actually., this vocation is a common one among Christians for this is what Jesus did. And if we follow Him, then He has promised He will guide us always, renew our strength, and nourish us. As long as we do not follow our ways, or seek our own interests, then we will be able to delight in Him no matter what we do. That is the promise revealed to prophet Isaiah. 

As we all know, following Jesus is not an easy strretch, by any means, because it requires much sacrifice and ever-present humility, a constant refinement of spirit through self-examination and repentance. And yet, the rewards can be long-lasting. 

So a apt prayer today would be as the psalmist wrote:

Keep my life, for I am devoted to you; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God.

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