Sunday, March 04, 2018

Friends of the Cross

P and I just went for a weekend retreat at the Montfort Centre entitled Friends of the Cross that encourages us to embrace the cross, and teaches us how we can deal with all the crosses in our lives. The teachings are based on a letter Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort wrote to a community called Friends of the Cross, who adopted Montfort's brand of spirituality.

It was an inspiring weekend and a really good way to enrich my Lenten season. A big thank you to Brothers Dominic and John, and all the Monfortian Associates who made the weekend such a rich one. I hope to take the lessons I have learned and apply them to my life. As Father Martin reminded all of us who were present, there must be follow through coming out of a retreat, real and concrete change, if not, it is wasted. To help us, we need only rely on the graces of God. He will help us.

He said:
You will find that your cross fits you well.
Like the yoke of Christ, it is easy going
Light, no more that you can bear.
So get familiar with its heft and form 
Caress the grain, handle it daily
Choose to take it up, carry it, walk with it!
It may be heavy, even painful at times,
But it is worth the effort, even the tears.
Following Jesus is life's sweet sorrow
For the way of the cross is suffering
But it doesn't have to weigh you down
Instead it can build you up and help you grow
To become bread broken for the world.
There is deep joy in that, and divine peace.
With Jesus I can conquer fear, even death.
Just as He saw Easter in the cross
I need to see the plant in the seed.
The cross is God's plan for my life
Not only can I get to heaven, but on the way 
Find happiness and satisfaction, 
Become the me who lives in greatest freedom
I just need to die to self, 
Deny my selfish inclinations.
The cross is infinite wisdom and God's power.
All this can be mine. All I need do is carry it,
Befriend my cross and follow Him.

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