Friday, December 04, 2015

Preparing for reverse carolling

It is that time of year where I find myself in the Philippines for reverse carolling (my fifth foray) and I find myself still not quite able to articulate well why I do this when I am asked the question. There are many reasons, of course. In fact, too many for me to be able to share coherently in casual conversation, but at its deepest level, it remains a mystery for it is my response to God's invitation to be here.

As Blaise Pascal said: The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing. He is spot on.

Reverse carolling is a heart response for me and the heart is where God speaks to me the loudest. When I am moved to action, like the Good Samaritan was (our Scripture for reflection was Luke 10:25-37), that is when I know I must respond with great sincerity and love, as Jesus did in His ministry on earth.

We spent the day in preparation for it is important to prepare the heart so that we can be open to the movement of the Spirit and can thus respond most appropriately. I found it very difficult to reflect today, not from lack of trying, and it was a little unnerving. I do not presume to know it all and I am going in with no expectation except my desire to meet Jesus in the poor and hopefully be a powerful sign of His love to those I will meet.

If truth be told, I feel empty, and I am hoping it is the emptiness of expectant faith and the emptiness of dying to self that I bring with me when I am out there. At today's commissioning mass, Father told us a story of how instead of being given what we ask for, we will be handed the seeds. It is up to us to work with Jesus to grow those seeds so that they will become the fruit of whatever it is that we so desire. The transformation from seed to fruit is where we will see miracles manifest.

We have another day of preparation tomorrow so I will wait on the Lord for I know the seeds have already been given to me and He will reveal to me during these coming days what are the fruits that I will receive, and in turn, share them with the many people I will meet in Mindoro, Tagaytay and Montalban. I just have to be patient, and wait.

Lord, please grant me a listening and obedient heart so that I can be a missionary of mercy who will bring new life and profound, lasting joy to those I meet, and to my own soul. And let miracles abound as your glory becomes visible to and in all of us.

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