Tuesday, May 14, 2013


This was a writing exercise we did last Friday:

What would I say to someone I love, who doesn't know God the way I do? How would I share my faith? What would I say to make this person understand the depth and breadth of my love for Christ and why I follow him? Words are insufficient to describe the ineffability, mystery and majesty of God. Yet, words are all I have.

He is the reason my life is decadently rich
For he makes me roll with laughter,
Sigh softly in wonder and purr with contentment.
With him, life is a journey of unplanned surprises,
Sometimes scary, even fiendishly difficult,
But no one said believing would be a breeze,
Or how incredibly awesome it can be.
If they did, I would not have listened anyway.
I am a child again when he winks at me,
Vibrating with excitement and glee.
We ride the surf and swoop like eagles
In azure skies lit with sunbeams gold.
In his arms I feel beautiful, good and strong,
I can even change the world: create an Eden
Humming with new life and fecund hope,
Where no one is ever hungry, lonely or afraid.
He's my best friend, my mentor, my paladin.
That rare mix of tender parent and consummate lover.
Call me blessed among women for I am that,
As that pearl of love is forever mine.
Its luminous glow untouched by time or circumstance,
Anointed as it was with sacrificial blood.
Together we traipse, hearts and minds in union,
He is my Lord and my God, most beloved.

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