Friday, May 25, 2012

Serendipitous surreal

I just returned home from a vacation in Amsterdam with my mother and a couple of good gal pals and I have a profound sense of gratitude for all that we received during the trip.

Sure, it wasn't "perfect" for I caught a cold, it drizzled occasionally, and I got us lost a couple of times but we all enjoyed ourselves, walking and eating our way around the city as we took in its charms.

We visited Floriade twice, the World Horticultural Expo that is held once every decade - this was the reason I chose to vacation in Amsterdam, and to fulfil a promise I made 10 years ago.

Our shared love of flowers was rewarded amply by the magnificence of the tulips and other spring flowers in Keukenhof and the wonderful floral displays and landscapes of Floriade in Venlo. That there was plenty to buy at great value in some of the country pavilions we visited made it even sweeter, and merrier (we are bargain-loving Singaporeans, after all).

The sights, sounds and smells of springtime invigorated us and I felt glad to be alive to bear witness to the beauty around me. When humans and God co-create, the world is indeed more joyously beautiful, be it gardens, art, buildings, canals or polders.

God's blessings were truly upon us the entire trip for at every turn, He guided us or sent angels our way to steer us back in the right direction when we got lost.

Then there was the sheer coincidence of a choral performance by the Pacific Spirit Choir in Begijnhof's chapel, the chance celebration of Israel's Independence Day in Floriade which we enjoyed tremendously, the Ceramics Festival in Gouda and an Ascension Day feast in the lovely restaurant De Kas.

Even when we got really lost, there were new and delightful things to discover - some of my best shots came from unintentionally meandering our way to Winkel 43 for the most scrumpelicious apple pie in Amsterdam (we finally got there via the shortest route on the third try).

Best of all, the bonds of love and friendship were tested and renewed, cemented by shared laughter and experiences.

Now that I am home, my eyes are still attuned to the beauty of nature and I have a refreshed appreciation of the tropical flora and fauna around me. This, for me, is perhaps the best thing about travel, the ability to look at things with new eyes and a heart filled with wonder.

And for all the moments of serendipity and grace in those 11 glorious days, I can only sing as Israeli band Habibi did in their closing number: Hallelujah!

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