Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where are you?

Where are you?
I cannot see your face.
I cannot hear your voice.
I cannot touch your hand.

In every heartbeat,
Every breath you take,
I am there.
Within you
All around you
Deep calling on deep
Enfolded in your desires
Your will and mine are one.

You see me in the old woman you helped across the street.
You hear me in the cool breeze rippling through the trees.
You feel me in the fond embrace of a beloved friend.

How do I know you are real?

I am real because you are.
Made in my image and likeness,
You are my hands and feet
You are my eyes and ears
You are my heart.
My spirit lives in you.

Ask and my love will always be given to you abundantly.
Seek and you will always find me.
Knock and my door will always open wide in welcome.

I get it. I do.
I see you clearly in the open plains of my heart.
I hear your voice in the silence of your Word proclaimed.
I feel your warmth in the glow of the setting sun
Or a child’s shy smile.

Most of all, I truly experience your boundless love for me and
I am transformed forever.

Inspired by Mark 5:25-34

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