Sunday, January 27, 2008

Guiding Light

Today's psalm, Psalm 27, is an especially rousing one and one which gives me heart in times of struggle.

Entitled Triumphant Song of Confidence of David, it is one of bold testimony of the Lord's protection and fidelity.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?"

It is a psalm that I can see St. Paul praying often for the triumph of light over darkness is one he experienced most literally in his body on the road to Damascus.

As I reflected on the feast day of St. Paul's conversion last Friday, I gave thanks for his enthusiasm and untiring effort to bring Christ to the rest of the world - something that he continues to do today through his letters.

St. Paul's letters, which pre-dated the writing of the four gospels, are a source of inspiration and a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of one man.

Variations on the same theme, his letters to diverse communities answered the questions each struggled with, and addressed specific needs in very practical terms, becoming a how-to guide on living in the Spirit.

While I do not pretend to offer such profound wisdom in my blog writing, I do aspire to bring Christ to those who read it.

To get people to give pause and ponder a little.

Get curious about this amazing man, Jesus Christ, who lived over 2,000 years ago and why He still continues to impact so many lives today.

Like St. Paul, the presence of Jesus is real in my life, and this living relationship I have with Christ brings me such joy that I want very much to spread this joy to everyone I meet.

To say to those who live in darkness that life doesn't have to be that way. There is a much better alternative.

As Psalm 27 proclaims "I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

This has become a truth I live out every single day.

While there are passages of dark I have to navigate through in life - it's never all hunky dory all the time - I know that if I focus on the light ahead that is Christ, then He will guide me through tough times. He will never forsake me.

I am content to "live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life" and I can no longer envisage my life any other way.

All it takes, as Fr. Arro advised today in his homily, is for us to make time for prayer and reading Scripture on a regular basis.

So seek His face and you will not lose your way.

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