Friday, November 04, 2016

Second spring

The old woman knew at a glance
Second spring!
She pronounced with delight
and a certain sweet gravitas.
The second time around
you already know how
an immature love can strangulate
pierce the heart mortally
when it degenerates into vinegar
descending into ashes
never to rise again.
The morning star shyly peeps
through the darkest fingers of dawn
Quietly casting a healing light
on hearts leached of hope.
A gentle rose, she exudes
an infectious joy and optimism
She whispers of the charms of
a mystical second naïveté 
This time, it is right - it is good.
The fire has sanctified and cleansed
yielding true intentions and pure hearts
Gaze upon the face of God,
drinking the most luscious wine ever
transformed from insipid water.
The promise of Cana beckons_
So let the dance of spring begin
The second time, like second wine, is best.

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