Tuesday, January 06, 2015

New year freedom

I literally had an epiphany when we celebrated Epiphany this Sunday past (today is the actual feast day, being January 6). Before this, I had been languishing in a funk for after reviewing 2014, I found myself lacking in much too many areas. I despair of ever bringing to life a new, improved version of me, a me I could be proud of, a me that if I were to stand at the pearly gates before Saint Peter tomorrow, I could give a good account of myself.

Many things ran through my mind when I asked for the grace in the new year to act with courage and love in all that I do. My fears are many, which my brother C dismissively told me represented a lack of faith (it annoyed me but he is ultimately correct), and when I think of what I would like to accomplish this year, I marvel at my own temerity.

Epiphany centres around  the manifestation of the Christ child to the Gentiles or the non-Christian world, as represented by the magi. The magi journeyed to where Baby Jesus lay by following an unusually bright star and upon finding him, paid Him homage. While Epiphany is about good news, it reeks of danger, not just for the magi who were told to return via an alternative route, but for the life of the Infant Jesus. We also know that Herod's slaughter of innocent firstborn sons is imminent for here on out.

Why would good news provoke such a negative reaction? As the January 5 reflection in Laudate expanded upon, the good news Jesus brings is:

...the good news of peace - the Lord comes to reconcile and restore us to friendship with God. The good news of  hope - the Lord comes to dwell with us and to give us a home with him in his heavenly kingdom. The good news of  truth - the Lord Jesus sets us free from the lies and deception of Satan and opens our mind to understand the truth and revelation of God's word (John 8:32). The good news of promise - Jesus fulfills the promise of God to reward those who seek him with the treasure of heaven. The good news of immortality - Jesus overcomes sin and death for us in order to raise our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body which will never die again. And the good news of salvation - the Lord Jesus delivers us from every fear, every sin, and every obstacle that would keep us from entering his everlasting kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy.

This was the epiphany I received, this good news, and that we, as sons and daughters of the Father have been set free by this relationship we have with Jesus and His Father. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit the Lord makes it possible for us to receive his word with faith and to act upon it with trust and obedience.

Faith. Trust. Obedience. It is with good reason I asked for courage, and more love this year. On my own, I will never be able to fulfil any new year resolution I deign to make, or accomplish what I would like to in this year. However, if I rely on the Holy Spirit, I can do it all, and then some.

Life was not easy for Jesus and his parents even before He was born so why should I expect my life to be any different? There will be struggles, justifiable fears, conflicts, and even persecution and burning animosity, but if I nurture my faith and trust through prayer and obedience, then I will always find the heart to keep moving ahead rather than stay mired in fear. With the Lord's help, it will be a good year, a very good one. I just have to hold onto the freedom of kinship I found in Epiphany.


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