Sunday, October 03, 2010

Relationship rich

While at dinner last night, M. announced that Kwa Geok Choo aka Mrs. Lee Kuan Yew passed away in the late afternoon.

Since then there has been much reported about the late Mrs. Lee whom I will always remember as the silent figure, dressed simply in a classic cheong sam, by her husband's side.

By all accounts, she was a brilliant woman who carved out a successful career, while being a devoted wife of a politician, loving mother of three and nurturing grandmother of seven.

Theirs was a love story which spanned over 70 years, commencing in their teens, and like the wife in Proverbs 31, Mrs. Lee was an able and willing help meet, sticking by her husband's side through the turbulent years of nation-building, with no need for public approbation or accolades.

"...She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain."

Marriages like what MM and his wife had are an increasingly rare commodity  for couples nowadays are not as willing to sacrifice as much for their spouse and children. And having made the countless sacrifices, merely looked upon them as a fulfillment of marital vows, nothing more, nothing less. For love does not count the costs of love.

I salute the quiet strength of Mrs. Lee and my heart goes out to MM and his family for their grievous loss. Even though she was not fully present in the last two years due to the effects of stroke, I am sure the heart and soul of MM's family departed when Mrs. Lee drew her last breath.

As a woman, I am keenly aware of the responsibility I wield in all my relationships and while I may never match up to the accomplishments of Mrs. Lee, I am encouraged to realize my unique potential in everything I do. 

This means knowing where my destination lies and not letting myself get sidetracked. Having the perseverance to keep going the distance and the humility to acknowledge milestones and accomplishments without placing much premium on them.

To always ask this question of life when I pray: what does it mean for my head, heart and hands, knowing full well that I am called to know, to love and to serve God through others.

Life has no meaning if love is not present and as it is stated in Gaudium et Spes: Man cannot fully find himself "except through a sincere gift of himself".

Mrs. Lee was a woman who understood this and lived out most generously the gift of self in her relationships.

Rest in peace, Mrs. Lee, and may you continue to inspire Asian women to be women of courage, selflessness and great love.

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