Sunday, June 07, 2009

Holy wholeness

It's been a little bit of a frustrating time for me for I keep falling sick every week. I won't bore you with a laundry list of ailments, suffice to say I am sick of it all and foing my darnedest to get healthy and fit.

In sharing my woes, A. offered me a very profound thought about two weeks ago. She said that what God wants, first and foremost, is for me to be whole and holy. He is not looking purely for someone to serve Him. Service is secondary, something we do to reciprocate the love we have received from our heavenly Father.

It made me realize that I valued my self-worth based very much on what I could bring to the table. Not surprising seeing as one of my main love languages is acts of service. When I don't accomplish what I think I ought to, I consider myself a failure.

No wonder I get so uptight and critical of my self.

Anyway, I spent the weekend attending the Life in the Spirit Seminar. I went only because I wanted to encourage my cousin and uncle to attend but of course, there was a huge learning lesson for me.

This issue of wholeness that has been floating around in my consciousness for the last two weeks was addressed numerous times for the message is that Jesus came so that we can have life "to the full".

So I managed to let go and let God do His thang this weekend and it was pretty awesome in the mysterium tremendum and fascinosum way.*

Now the trick is to keep remembering that I am called to wholeness and holiness and treat my mind, body and spirit accordingly.

So if I forget, please remind me.

* Read more of Otto's definition:

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