Sunday, March 28, 2021

Lenten Reflection Day 40

he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.  Philemon 2:8-9

And so we have entered into Holy Week with Palm Sunday. What seemed to be a triumphal entry into Jerusalem descended all too quickly into an arrest, false trial, agonizing scourging, excruciating crowning with thorns and a cruel crucifixion. This harsh ending for the Son of God was foretold much earlier on by prophets inspired by the Lord. Jesus Himself knew what was coming up. He probably knew, at a tender age, what His mission in the world was. 

How does one live knowing one is going to die with great persecution and suffering? I have to admit when I attended the Stations of the Cross, something in me rejected the idea of accepting my sufferings as Christ did. It is not humanly possible to welcome pain and suffering with such calm equanimity. 

But as Christians, we do have some formidable weapons to help us. We have the power of the Eucharist and the Spirit of God to give us supernatural courage and steadfastness. We have the years of discipline of centring ourselves on Jesus to draw on strength. We also have the loving support of the Christian community, brothers and sisters who lift us up on wings of prayer. 

A peaceful passing from this earth is granted to only a few so I will most likely suffer before I die. May I be given the humility and obedience of Christ at that crucial time and look forward to life eternal after death. 


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