Sunday, March 21, 2021

Lenten Reflection Day 33

 “I am troubled now.  Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.  John 12:27

So it seems that He was human after all

That he could be troubled by how it would all end

Rejection, persecution, torture, crucifixion.

Only by dying can others live in the light 

Given a fighting chance for eternal salvation

God’s gift to those who would obey

His purpose was as clear as day.

If I truly follow Him then my purpose is equally clear 

Obedience to the Father in all matters

Especially in what matters most to me

To die to self and produce much fruit

Be humble, small as a tiny grain of wheat 

It all sounds most difficult, it is.

There is a way though, it is through Jesus.

As He glorified the Father by obeying perfectly 

So can I, if I do as He does.

A life of prayer, fasting and alms giving

Graces will be given if I begin each new day

Asking for a clean heart and a steadfast spirit. 

Lord, let me be ready when my hour comes

Give me strength, give me purpose

So that I may be with you in eternal life 

As You are with me in this life on earth.  


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