Saturday, December 28, 2024

Eight years on

Dearest heart,

Eight years, 96 month or 2922 days
Of loving you, having and holding you
In my heart, words and actions

Often I am mule-headed, perverse or silly
Yet I never stop trying to be better
Better at cherishing, honouring and respecting you

To cleave as one
United in faith, hope and charity
Guided by the Spirit

Thank you for being in my life
Thank you for loving me
Most of all, I thank Our Mother for all her timely interventions

Without her, Jesus or the Holy Spirit
We would be in the weeds
Unable to heal, prosper and be fruitful

Love, instead, is our life buoy
Afloat with new possibilities
Effervescing with new life

I look forward to our future with great eagerness
For our past history promises much:
More laughter, much joy, and incredible tenderness

May the Lord continue to lead us
May He be our source, stronghold and sustenance
May we continue to radiate His love to each other, to those we love, and to the rest of the world.

Happy 8th, a little late, but with lots of love and gratitude! JXXX 

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