Sunday, July 19, 2015


You conceived the idea of me as I am now
Knitting me then in my mother's womb
Day by day I grew
Into Your image and likeness
Though I was not conscious that I had
the seal of Your eternal love on my heart.
You breathed into my lungs
Gave me new life in eternity
I saw you; I knew you and loved you
You were my playmate, my BFF,
In communion, we spent days
Dedicated to laughter and delight.
But I grew up, walked away and forgot
Believed in sexy credos and magic mantras
That tasted ultimately of ashes
I was starving, miserable and lost
Until I limped home, diminished,
Inside my father's house I came alive again
Feasting on Living Water and the Lamb.
I had to relearn how to count the ways
I love you; with freedom
Dance to your heartbeat,
Make music to lift weary souls
I'm still broken and wounded but I can
Make your heart beat faster
With pride and joy. What joy!

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