In this instance, it's the Alpha course I have been attending. I signed up to encourage my cousin J. to attend and it's been a time of affirmation and revelation for me.
I just completed the weekend retreat and discovered that this is the much-awaited-for event for most participants who know what Alpha is all about (of course I didn't know).
The weekend blew me away for the ministry time was Spirit-powerful and I am humbled by the gifts that have been given to me.
I am also awed at how the Lord continues to lead me along the way I should walk, giving me loads of encouragement as I take uncertain, shaky steps forward.
My takeaway from the weekend is God's blessings are upon me no matter why, what, when, where and who I am.
Even when I hate myself or deem myself most unworthy of being loved, He is right there loving me and holding onto my hand.
And if I open my heart to Him and trust Him, that's when miracles happen and He makes it happen not just for me but for those around me. Through me, His love can radiate to others and transform them.
I think this is what St. Irenaeus meant when he said, "The glory of God is man fully alive," for in trusting God wholeheartedly, I am living fully to my potential (even in my work-in-progress state) and quite unforcedly blessing myself and others and giving Him glory.
May He always be my alpha and omega.
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