Here I am again, after a short hiatus dictated by work. But it's work I term a love project for it's something I am passionate about and glad to be given the opportunity to contribute in part.
Since my conversion in India in 2003, I've had a clearer idea what my vocation is, and who are the people I most want to reach and make a positive impact on - women and children. As I am still single, and not likely to get married in the near future, having children of my own is most improbable. Therefore it will have to be other people's children that I interact with and hopefully affirm.
There are many 'ways' to be a mother, and since I have never been one to take the conventional route, I get to be creative! Cool. A., you sure you still want to make me godmother of your daughter? I won't be one to encourage conformity...
Anyway, when my old classmate, Sr. Julia, asked if I would be interested in helping her in her efforts to revamp the religious education programme in Catholic secondary schools , I said yes with much enthusiasm. Hmmmm, little did I know what it would entail - wading through pages of text written mainly by theologians on psychology, philosophy, moral development... not exactly bedside reading material. But it has been worth the climb in more ways than one. It has given me the opportunity to work with some very lovely, bright women (thank you Julia, Edwina and Pat) who share the vision of transforming youth, helping them experience the love of God and to hopefully fall in love with God and choose the freedom of living life wholly holy.
For me, it has been a huge conversion experience all over again. Amplified by the fact that the topics covered in my Foundations in Ministry Certification Programme echo those that I have recently digested. Yes, He speaks to me in stereo, at full volume, no less. I did say to Him I was deaf...
Much to be thankful for this month indeed. It's been truly august.
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