Sunday, March 12, 2023


As we meditated on today’s gospel from John 4:5-42 at my last Bible sharing meeting Tuesday evening past. I felt inspired to write about how this passage, filled with so much richness, speaks to me.

You talking to me? Why?

I am a sinner, many times over.

I come to the well at noon precisely 

so I don’t meet anyone and I can avoid 

their sneers and snide remarks

I’m just too sad, and tired

unable to defend myself

why are you even acknowledging me? 

You, a Jew, and I, a Samaritan woman,

and you want a drink of water from me? 

Really? Why would you break social order

treat me as an equal, converse with me?

It must be that you don’t know the truth. 

how I’m fallen_

off the map where even God can’t find me 

Your words give me hope

You make me feel like I haven’t felt in forever

Seen. Heard. Forgiven. Even loved?

not a social pariah with five failed marriages

now trapped in a disastrous relationship

used and discarded, again, and again

I would like what you promise

Living water

Within me

a spring of water welling up to eternal life

never thirsty again 

the Spirit of God 

living inside of me 

so I can truly worship 

the Father 

in Spirit and truth 

What? You are He?

the Messiah

the one called the Christ

Saviour of the world

and You know me, yet, still want me

Searched for me, even thirsted for me 

Our meeting no accident

A wonder of an encounter.

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