Friday, August 28, 2020

Spiritual roots

During online mass on August 21, Father Michael Payyapilly spoke of the importance of remembering and honouring my spiritual roots, to always know when my faith began to deepen and grow so that I will follow Jesus,  the right 'way' (at all costs), and not lose my way ever. 

Being the feast day of Pope Saint Pius X, a great saint and pope who was known for lowering the age for First Communion as well as for his encouragement of the faithful to receive holy communion frequently, Father Michael highlighted the humility of this sainted pope who said: I was born poor, I have lived poor, I wish to die poor. 

Inspired by his homily, I would like to pay tribute to my father who was born poor and died poor, but grew rich in his faith and love for God in his last days as he suffered great poverty of health. Remembering my father who died today, 17 years ago. 

Only in your death did the grain of deep faith begin to sprout,

Nurtured by your suffering, watered in our collective tears.

Your slow decline was torturously sublime

The endless days a chain of kairos moments that

Brought glory to God in the depths of pain.

You bestowed on me your faith in dying

This legacy still lives and breathes, so precious to me

It is my pearl of great price and I am grateful for its luminous purity

That always leads me back to my eternal Bridegroom.

Thank you for guiding me day after day

From where you are, one with our heavenly Father 

With you both looking out for me, I know I am safe.

For I am doubly blessed to have two fathers

One who was fully human, and one who is fully divine.

May I always be spiritually rooted in who you were today 

Unsought, it has given me life to the full

Even as I still mourn my loss, missing you much.

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