Friday, February 03, 2017

Matrimonial power

There is something quite miraculous about the Sacrament of Marriage. It carries me through my frustrations, hurts, and even despair so that I never doubt that both P and I are in this love together as the Al Jarreau song goes. I am constantly amazed at how I can rise above my baser inclinations, and be forgiving and loving when all I want to do is scream and spit out vituperative words that will cause permanent damage. Of course we are still in the honeymoon phase and it's early days yet. Just wait... you are starry eyed now... this won't last... all the cynics warn me.

I don't doubt that P and I will hit rough patches and be at odds in the future, but if he and I continue to respect each other's dignity and honour the Sacrament of Matrimony as God meant it to be, and we both consecrate ourselves regularly to Jesus, through Mary, I believe we will weather the worst storms and emerge more in love than ever, having tested the bonds of commitment, and found them both tensile and hardy. Yes, I am a romantic, and an idealist when it comes to love, and I happen to think that everyone should be the same, albeit with a wisely pondering heart like Mother Mary's.

Expect the best from your lover (without egoistically demanding the impossible) and give him or her your very best, your all. You only get back what you put out, so if you want everything, you must be willing to risk your heart, and that means sacrifice with a capital S. As I write this I know I don't do this naturally for my first instinct is to guard my heart, having been betrayed before, and having witnessed the selfish, perfidious nature of men around me. It takes reflection, talk time with Jesus, before I get it right.

Every time I whine at Him that I am not getting the love I want, He challenges me, have you really put out into the deep, given everything yourself? Have you been such a gift that your husband cannot help but love you more and therefore reciprocate in turn?

Or when I nitpick and fixate only on the negatives, He reminds me: what about all the wonderful things you have received, without even asking for them, all the perfect little gestures of love? Count your blessings and learn to see blessings even in the perceived negatives. They are present.

And when my world is raining hailstones, and I am bowed under, close to breaking point, He picks me out of the pit and holds me close to His heart where my fears are dispelled. For when I cry out to Him in desperation, at wits' end, He always comes through: He sends people who speak truth into my life, and as if by magic, my mood shifts instantly. I am humbled and suitably chastened every time I turn to the Counsellor with my woes. He has my back, and He has given me P to be His Bridegroom to my Bride.

As P and I reach a milestone today in our relationship and give thanks to the One who brought us together to be lifetime companions, I cannot help but be astounded at how the Lord is faithful and merciful to those who love Him. He certainly loves me, and P, very much.

There is power in the Sacrament of Matrimony, may P and I keep tapping on it to bring health and beauty to our marriage and each other, and bless others in the process.

My wish for all married couples who exchanged their vows in front of God is to keep turning to Jesus as role model, mediator, counsellor and good friend so that they can continue to sanctify each other, and invoke heaven here on earth as they lead each other, and others, toward heaven.

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