Whenever one thinks of perfect days it is usually spent in some form of sybaritic pursuit. I just had two perfect days engaged in reverse carolling where I actually experienced what Saint Paul said to the Corinthians about Christ's power made perfect in weakness.
Tropical Storm (former Super Typhoon) Ruby or Hagupit has hit the Philippines and yet the weather in Tagaytay yesterday was perfect for clambering around the steep slopes of Bagong Silang laden with heavy Christmas hampers. The sun was out although it was cloudy and the temperature was pleasantly cool. God gave us incredible weather to accomplish what we set out to do, which was to give out 50 food hampers. All we could do before was pray for the blessing of good weather and He granted it beautifully.
I was in a small team of four carollers but we worked well together even though we were strangers when we began. We had two wonderful guides, Ate Rebecca and Ate Bet, who took us around to the chosen homes and helped us carry the hampers. The children, as always, followed us from house to house and sang enthusiastically to make up for the lack of numbers, and the families we visited were open to our efforts in sharing God's love with them.
Our efforts to help the poor may seem futile for what can one lousy hamper of food and a few Christmas carols accomplish? Even our prayers, while earnest, were grossly inadequate. And yet it is precisely in the poverty of our actions that God's power could be manifested, and it was.
I felt a solidarity, a kinship, with the families I met for in praying with them and for them, I knew that God would take care of them as He does me. I merely needed to be his imperfect, limited but sincere instrument to remind them of His love for them. My desire in reverse carolling is to share my own experience of God's love with those I meet and I like to think we all managed to do that yesterday collectively as we fanned out over the hillside carolling.
This morning we threw a Christmas party for 55 children using the grounds of the Missionaries of Charity sisters and it was again a good day for a party which included outdoor games. God again granted us sunshine, and once more we worked together in one spirit to bring some fun and laughter into the lives of these children who live in the slums of Kavisayaan.
Drawing on God's inspiration, Joan and the rest of the ICPE missionaries in the Philippines (Gemma, Esther and Albert), threw an amazing party for the children. The programme was immensely enjoyed by the children. The mime, The Gift, was extremely well received. We could all feel God's presence with us throughout the morning, for again, everything ran like clockwork and the joy the children demonstrated was infectious.
The children also displayed a childlike, fervent faith that touched all our hearts and reminded us that God truly does shower an abundance of love on his beloved little ones. We just need to trust Him and be open to experiencing His love.
There is still a week left to go, but if these last two days are any indication of what is to come, I look forward to the days ahead. They will not be easy for Montalban is especially tough going physically and emotionally, but if I submit my weaknesses and fears to God, I know I will be able to stand back and be awed by His power made perfect in all of us; how He moves in and through us. His glory will shine out, as it did these last two days, over all who dwell in darkness. Nothing could be more perfect than that.

I was in a small team of four carollers but we worked well together even though we were strangers when we began. We had two wonderful guides, Ate Rebecca and Ate Bet, who took us around to the chosen homes and helped us carry the hampers. The children, as always, followed us from house to house and sang enthusiastically to make up for the lack of numbers, and the families we visited were open to our efforts in sharing God's love with them.

I felt a solidarity, a kinship, with the families I met for in praying with them and for them, I knew that God would take care of them as He does me. I merely needed to be his imperfect, limited but sincere instrument to remind them of His love for them. My desire in reverse carolling is to share my own experience of God's love with those I meet and I like to think we all managed to do that yesterday collectively as we fanned out over the hillside carolling.
This morning we threw a Christmas party for 55 children using the grounds of the Missionaries of Charity sisters and it was again a good day for a party which included outdoor games. God again granted us sunshine, and once more we worked together in one spirit to bring some fun and laughter into the lives of these children who live in the slums of Kavisayaan.
Drawing on God's inspiration, Joan and the rest of the ICPE missionaries in the Philippines (Gemma, Esther and Albert), threw an amazing party for the children. The programme was immensely enjoyed by the children. The mime, The Gift, was extremely well received. We could all feel God's presence with us throughout the morning, for again, everything ran like clockwork and the joy the children demonstrated was infectious.
The children also displayed a childlike, fervent faith that touched all our hearts and reminded us that God truly does shower an abundance of love on his beloved little ones. We just need to trust Him and be open to experiencing His love.
There is still a week left to go, but if these last two days are any indication of what is to come, I look forward to the days ahead. They will not be easy for Montalban is especially tough going physically and emotionally, but if I submit my weaknesses and fears to God, I know I will be able to stand back and be awed by His power made perfect in all of us; how He moves in and through us. His glory will shine out, as it did these last two days, over all who dwell in darkness. Nothing could be more perfect than that.
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