Monday, June 23, 2014

By grace alone

I have been reflecting on pain lately. Reason being I have been experiencing some level of physical pain for some several weeks now. It culminated in the most excruciating pain I have ever felt last Monday evening, to the point I gave in and took painkillers, which were so useless that I regretted taking them.

Those who know me know I rarely take meds for I have this thing about the side effects of drugs. I combat infection and fever with propolis and honey and I constantly seek out home remedies to help my body heal itself.

The first thing I discovered about pain this time round is how much I can ignore it. It's amazing how much punishment the body can take and how much I can soldier on purely on will power.

This is both good and bad. Good that I am functional on some level for I still have to make a living, but bad when I push my body beyond what is advisable.

Having said that, the intense pain (it felt like someone drove a spike through my eyeball) on Monday evening wiped me out completely and I was forced to rest Tuesday and take it easy the rest of the week.

It is at times like these that I rely completely on grace to carry me through the commitments I made previously and I seriously do not feel up to, and the Lord has been truly kind. He has given me inner strength to do the things I needed to last week, even inspiring me to do the ones I disliked well (how awesome is that?). 

Although I am able to recognize that everything comes from God, nothing brings this fact home more than when I am weak and incapable of much. So while I would not want to repeat last weeks physical challenges, especially the piercing pain, I am immensely grateful that the Holy Spirit was there for me and came through in spades.

Grace is a wonderful thing.

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