Every year I like to try my hand at something new to get out of my comfort zone and this year, it is to be a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) catechist. The first session of the year began today for the three-six year olds in the atrium this afternoon and it was all a little daunting for it was unfamiliar territory.
There were 13 children of mixed ages with two newcomers, while a number of them were siblings. I felt grossly unqualified to be there for I did not know all the works in the atrium. And for the ones I did know, I am not sure I could present them adequately for last year's training is now all a blur.
I caught myself doing and saying things I should not be saying (so much for Anne and Mary's training), but as Cecilia reminded us, children are very forgiving, plus they would not know if we did not do very well. Thank goodness for that.
What struck me as I sat observing was how trusting and open young children can be. They truly believe in the goodness of the adults around them and were able to ask for help quite freely. I felt quite privileged to have that level of trust directed at me when it is completely unearned.
How liberating it must be to trust in the goodness of people around you. How great it must be to be spontaneous and transparent. How secure it must be to know you are loved and that everyone treats you well. Why can't adults live the same way? Well, to a certain extent, they can, if they trust in God as a child does, as these bunch of three - six year olds trusted me and the other adults in the atrium
Today I found myself doing something that the world would view as foolish, literally turning a client away because she first began group classes with another instructor. However, because I fully trust in providence, I am not worried at the outcome. Yes, it would be nice to have a new client and earn more, but I trust that God will take care of me as He has done in the past and even as recent as this week, so if it is meant to be, she will be my regular client. So I do what I feel is right and just in life and I entrust God with the rest.
Just a couple of days ago I was trying to explain to baby bro that I do not seek to be good Christian just because I do not want to go to hell, but because I have experienced the goodness of God's love, and so I constantly strive to reciprocate the love I have received so lavishly.
The other perks in seeking to do His will in all things and adhering to a certain way of life is actually freedom from fear that leads to irrational action and potential sin.
I am not afraid that I do not have financial security as the world defines security, and because I am unafraid, I am doing what I love and I am free from financial worry. Plus, I am not tempted to cheat, lie or misrepresent myself in any way, just to earn an extra buck.
Then there is also the freedom to be like a child, fearless, confident and full of joy. God's approval is the only thing I seek in life. It matters to me whether I make Him happy for I know that if I succeed in doing so, then I am, at the same time, making myself and others around me happy. I can harness the simple joy of a child.
So I look forward to learning how to be more child-like in the coming year for I had a very good day today in the atrium.
C made me day when she turned to me and thrust a drawing in my hand saying this is for you, after she had been ignoring everyone in the atrium.
Now how did she know I liked the colour purple and rainbows (the girl has rainbow-coloured hair)? Uncanny.
There were 13 children of mixed ages with two newcomers, while a number of them were siblings. I felt grossly unqualified to be there for I did not know all the works in the atrium. And for the ones I did know, I am not sure I could present them adequately for last year's training is now all a blur.
I caught myself doing and saying things I should not be saying (so much for Anne and Mary's training), but as Cecilia reminded us, children are very forgiving, plus they would not know if we did not do very well. Thank goodness for that.
What struck me as I sat observing was how trusting and open young children can be. They truly believe in the goodness of the adults around them and were able to ask for help quite freely. I felt quite privileged to have that level of trust directed at me when it is completely unearned.
How liberating it must be to trust in the goodness of people around you. How great it must be to be spontaneous and transparent. How secure it must be to know you are loved and that everyone treats you well. Why can't adults live the same way? Well, to a certain extent, they can, if they trust in God as a child does, as these bunch of three - six year olds trusted me and the other adults in the atrium
Today I found myself doing something that the world would view as foolish, literally turning a client away because she first began group classes with another instructor. However, because I fully trust in providence, I am not worried at the outcome. Yes, it would be nice to have a new client and earn more, but I trust that God will take care of me as He has done in the past and even as recent as this week, so if it is meant to be, she will be my regular client. So I do what I feel is right and just in life and I entrust God with the rest.
Just a couple of days ago I was trying to explain to baby bro that I do not seek to be good Christian just because I do not want to go to hell, but because I have experienced the goodness of God's love, and so I constantly strive to reciprocate the love I have received so lavishly.
The other perks in seeking to do His will in all things and adhering to a certain way of life is actually freedom from fear that leads to irrational action and potential sin.
I am not afraid that I do not have financial security as the world defines security, and because I am unafraid, I am doing what I love and I am free from financial worry. Plus, I am not tempted to cheat, lie or misrepresent myself in any way, just to earn an extra buck.
So I look forward to learning how to be more child-like in the coming year for I had a very good day today in the atrium.
C made me day when she turned to me and thrust a drawing in my hand saying this is for you, after she had been ignoring everyone in the atrium.
Now how did she know I liked the colour purple and rainbows (the girl has rainbow-coloured hair)? Uncanny.
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