ever find the answer
to how discordant notes can swell
into a symphony
that restores all hearts,
cleaving as one, man and woman,
For nuptial bliss wrought from agony?
The bitter with the sweet is what refines the palate,
brings flavour to experience,
transforming blah into extraordinary.
But fidelity taken lightly exudes a frangible warmth
While unforgiveness and reconciliation
make unlikely bedfellows.
Relationships at risk must undergo metanoia*.

Faith, hope and love will prevail
through darkness and multi-varied deaths.
For Commandments keep us safe,
when Confusion rules the day.
We choose the narrow path
to taste the wine at Cana,
The best - at last! - is only what we deserve.
* The Greek term for repentance, metanoia, denotes a change of mind, a reorientation, a fundamental transformation of outlook, of an individual's vision of the world and of her/himself, and a new way of loving others and the Universe. Taken from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metanoia
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