Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bid for freedom

I was busy attending seminars last week and it has been vastly rewarding intellectually, psychologically and spiritually, albeit physically tiring.

First up was the two-day Choices workshop run for teachers teaching RE (religious education) in Catholic schools where I was given the opportunity to absorb the concepts I summarized last year when I helped develop the resource material for this unit.

Followed by the three-day Set Free Retreat organized by SACCRE and led by Diana Mascarenhas of ICPE India and Fr. Elias Vella OFM from Malta.

Two events with different and varied content but with one similar goal - to enable an individual to make choices in life that would lead to personal freedom no matter the state of life one was in.

Free from fears, needs and dysfunctions to become and to be the person she or he is meant to be - a unique individual with a unique set
of passions, goals, ideals, opinions, values, perspectives and life experiences.

The road to freedom involves an awareness of self, who I am, and an acceptance of the person I am, in order to move towards self-transcendence through the cultivation of values and spiritual maturity that brings inner peace and joy.

It is through knowing myself that I am free to build dynamic, vibrant, soul-satisfying relationships with others - and God.

If not, my distortions will forever colour the way I view myself, God, others and the world around me*; and I will live in bondage, bound by my emotional hijacks and self-imposed barriers.

Until I set off on the stony path of self-discovery, I will remain within the confines of the baby pool, unable to get out, scamper across the hot sand and wade into the cool, healing vastness of the living ocean, and into the warm arms of a loving, tender, very real Father.

Acknowledging the wounds that cause my distortions is not enough, although there is tremendous power in articulating past hurts.

For real healing to take place, there is one more crucial step: turn to Jesus as one turns to a much-loved and trusted friend.

Invoke the power of His name to do what no man can do - bring release and inner healing to the soul and spirit within.

To transform past experiences such that they no longer have a hold on the present or the future.

Can it be that simple?

Yes, as the blind man and the haemorrhaging woman in Mark's gospel and I have found out. Faith can heal.

And with the healing comes truth, which in turn liberates as Jesus had promised, "
The truth will make you free."

So what is this great truth that liberates?

In a word, love.

His great love for humanity, for every single person on this earth.

Once you've experienced this love in a very personal manner, deep down in your heart, you will be set free, free to love as He loves you.

* Read John Powell's Fully Human, Fully Alive: A New Life Through a New Vision

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