Best of all, I get the chance to go into myself and figure out who I am and where I’m going. Am I headed in the right direction?
There’s something about Hawaii that allows me to decompress and find the necessary space for all the above to happen. I suppose it has to do with the fact that I found my independence, my strengths, my self here so many years ago.
That it’s so beautiful, so elemental and elementary to connect with nature and God gives it special meaning for me.
He speaks to me in the majesty of the volcanic ridges, the playful trade winds that swish through the trees bringing relief from the sun, the heady scents of ginger, plumeria and tuberose that perfume the air, the soothing surge of the ocean against the shore, and the mosaic of crystalline blues and vivid greens as the ocean merges with the sky.
I feel alive, at peace, at one with the beauty that surrounds me. I am given clarity of thought. A sense of profound gratitude overwhelms me as I respond to the music of the land and its people.
This time around, I got to do the things I love best: walk, hang out at the beach, sleep, share the experience of phenomenally good food with old friends, laugh and have fun, fun, fun.
I also got to go to the movies where I caught a wonderfully creative animated film Ratatouille (a definite must-see) which reminded me of the importance of being true to one’s self.
It’s the story of how a rat finally succeeds in doing what he loved best against all odds – cook. It’s about the realization of dreams (sounds familiar?), friendships that transcend boundaries, acceptance of things and situations one would normally reject, and of course, there is romance, intrigue and many funny moments.
My take away this vacation before I head back to reality is this: things are never quite what I perceive for all things are possible with God - I must just continue to be open to His gentle promptings. (Taking Jesus on vacation is a sure-fire way to be wowed and blown away. Highly recommended.)
... and to live the dream.
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