This Easter has been quite special, for, again, Easter falls on my
mother’s birthday. The last time that happened (in my memory) was when we
celebrated her 80th birthday in Taiwan. It was lovely to be able to
see my youngest brother who flew home to celebrate her special day with us this
During the Easter Octave, P and I celebrated our first meeting
eight years ago, a day forever etched in my memory, a true turning point in my
life. The day after we met is also one that is hard to forget for it was the
day my cousin J left us. Thus, Easter has always been filled with bittersweet joy
for me. Yet, this year, I was ready to see a different reality – to let go of my
sadness, for I had a deep sense that J is now with Jesus. This is a moment to
be celebrated; made possible only because Jesus decided to die for us so that
we can live with Him in eternal bliss.
I am grateful for His love so filled with goodness, kindness,
tenderness and gentleness, and I can only hope that I can pay Him homage by
reaching out to others in like manner, through different channels of love,
channels that guided by the Holy Spirit can touch hearts with such profundity
and His own inimitable tenderness. Easter blessings, one and all.
Straight lines
As I am your straight line
You, equally, are mine.
The one God decided it was time
To give: two lives in singular rhyme.
Writing straight our crooked lines,
Turning vinegar into vintage wines.
Luscious and delicious
Voluptuous and precious
How delightful have these eight years been,
Full of laughter and joy previously unseen.
I could not have chosen better myself.
A friend and lover who denies his self,
Gives so unstintingly, with such grace.
Thinking on you brings a smile to my face,
I am filled with tenderness when I look at you,
How blessed I am that I have finally found you.
Eight years since you’ve been gone.
You have been missed and mourned.
And yet this year I begin to see,
How you have truly been set free.
To be at His side, in fullness, rejoicing,
Yet still with us, an eternal blessing.