Monday, July 19, 2021


While July has been a month of many celebrations with birthdays galore, including my own (thanks to everyone who showed love through well wishes, lunches and awesome gifts such as a newly planted milo* tree in the Laie forest with my name on it), it has also been a season of sunset upsets. 

 There have been ailing, elderly relatives, and friends of my parents who over the course of these last two weeks have passed on. There are also relatives of friends who have succumbed to the virulent Delta variant of the COVID-19. 

 The safe distancing measures and travel restrictions in place mean that we can no longer hop on a plane to go see someone we love face to face one last time and say goodbye properly. It is immensely frustrating for phone calls and texts don’t quite cut it for me. I want to be able to hold someone’s hand, and kiss and hug them good-bye, but that is really just me. 

 At the back of my mind I know that the most precious gift I can give someone I cannot see is prayer: that they don’t suffer too much; for inner peace and courage, even joy during this difficult time. 

I pray that their illness or dying can still be seasons of grace with Jesus walking by their side. 

 I pray for both the dying and the living, for those who will be left behind. 

I pray for the miracle of healing in whichever form the Lord chooses to dispense. 

I pray for reconciliation. And I continue to pray for those who have returned to the Lord, and for those who are left grieving. 

Godspeed dear Uncle F, Auntie S, and just this evening, Uncle H. May Jesus walk you into Paradise where you will all enjoy eternal rest which, I am sure, involves having a good time.  

 * Thespesia populnea, more commonly known as a Pacific rosewood, portia or Indian tulip tree.