Thanks to Father Bobby, P and I have just embarked on a year-long study of the Bible where we hope to live the logos as rhema every day so that, come next Pentecost, we can celebrate the Holy Spirit in an even richer way.
Flashback to last August when Father Bobby encouraged us to proclaim the Word out loud 30 minutes every day and we would see miracles happening in our lives. We followed his advice and I have to say he was right. We have since seen many miracles, big and small, and we are now about eight to nine-tenths through the Bible. So we are both most happy to embark on rereading the Bible in a more reflective manner. Here’s the result of day one’s reflection yesterday thanks to Genesis 1:25 and the Unity Prayer* of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The man and his wife were naked,
Yet they felt no shame.
This is what I desire with you.
Love, pure, and gleaming golden rays of light
Firing our hearts welded so seamlessly within Christ.
We gaze on each other with childlike innocence
No holding back on how we feel
Defenceless but unafraid,
Vulnerable, so poignantly tender,
Because we know our hearts beat in unison
As our feet journey together.
What you want, I seek fully for you,
What I want, you move mountains to give,
Each wanting the better for the other,
Making each other better with age.
May our lips always pray together,
Giving thanks, singing praise, and
Gaining mercy from the Eternal Father.