One of the key characteristics of a missionary disciple is the ability to embrace change, to go where the Spirit leads, often living in the mystery of life, and God, with no clear-cut answers, except an unwavering fidelity to the Lord, and a bold yes to go where few ever dare venture, time and time again.
We celebrated Mission Sunday yesterday and I took my commitment as an Associate of the ICPE Mission here in Singapore, a change from taking my covenant as a Companion, which I did three years ago. It was a bittersweet moment, a hint of longing mixed in with the joy and eager anticipation. I will be getting married soon and the nuptial covenant will then become the primary covenant that I have chosen to undertake the rest of my life. All other covenants I will take must follow this sacramental covenant, for P and I will become one in matrimony, and we will move forward as one heart, one mind, and one voice.
It was love of my spiritual brothers and sisters, and my regard for the ICPE Mission and what it stands for, that held me back initially from making the transition from Companion to Associate. Change is hard when emotions are involved. I had to grapple hard to make the right decision in earlier weeks. Through the ICPE Mission, I encountered Jesus in such a real, intimate and profound way that I was transformed completely. I gave my life over to Jesus and have followed Him ever since. ICPE spirituality has shaped and formed my spirituality, and my spiritual and emotional maturity owes a great deal to the ICPE Mission and what it espouses, this radical love for Jesus.
When we choose to give freely and generously of ourselves to God, He responds by giving us more than we could ever have imagined, more love, more joy, more peace, just more of everything that makes life rich, fulfilling and complete. If we are faithful, He reciprocates in ways that are beyond our expectations. Jesus, my Bridegroom, has been the most tender, caring, self-giving husband a woman could ever want. He knows exactly what I need and His nurturing love has given me the confidence to fly high and be the best I could ever be in terms of living up to my human potential. His love for me knows no bounds and the gift of P in my life is a testament to that love.
Whether I am Associate or Companion, whether I am single or married, I am this unique, individual creature He made. I have not changed fundamentally. I am still the same woman who loves with all her being, who has learned to wear her feelings as a badge of honour, and to allow them to move her to small and great acts of love every day. I am the same me who strives to be a better person daily, to be as wise and compassionate as Jesus was.
I do not love my ICPE brothers and sisters any less than I did yesterday for the bonds of love forged in Christ already exist. I remain committed to the ICPE ideals of knowing Christ and making Christ known, for I still desire to bring the love and joy of God to His people, near and far. I still wish to be the catalyst that brings others back into the Father's loving arms: to reunite the prodigals, reacquaint the lost and lonely with the mercy and tenderness of God. I want to be His hands and feet, to bring comfort and healing, wherever it is needed. I aspire to enable others to have a personal and transformational encounter with Jesus as I myself first experienced all those years ago.
Jesus lives today, in our lives, and He suffers and cries together with us when we suffer and cry, as He rejoices with us when we are happy. He never abandons us, and He is always waiting for us to discover Him. This truth of Christian love never gets old for we all seek this everlasting, unconditional love, whether we recognize it or not. We all need Him in our lives, all the time, whether we acknowledge it or not. My wish is for everyone to experience the joy of this truth.
I am a missionary disciple, and if I call myself one, I must think and act like one. So I look to the future, the future He has planned for me, and I say an unqualified yes to allowing him to use me as He wills. As I wrote and signed in my commitment as Associate yesterday, this commitment reflects not only my fidelity to my soon-to-be spouse, P, and my spiritual family, ICPE Mission, but to my Lord and my God.
So whatever comes my way, I have the strength of my commitment, my yes to the One who loved me first, to propel me forward, with a smile on my face and a lightness of heart.
We celebrated Mission Sunday yesterday and I took my commitment as an Associate of the ICPE Mission here in Singapore, a change from taking my covenant as a Companion, which I did three years ago. It was a bittersweet moment, a hint of longing mixed in with the joy and eager anticipation. I will be getting married soon and the nuptial covenant will then become the primary covenant that I have chosen to undertake the rest of my life. All other covenants I will take must follow this sacramental covenant, for P and I will become one in matrimony, and we will move forward as one heart, one mind, and one voice.
It was love of my spiritual brothers and sisters, and my regard for the ICPE Mission and what it stands for, that held me back initially from making the transition from Companion to Associate. Change is hard when emotions are involved. I had to grapple hard to make the right decision in earlier weeks. Through the ICPE Mission, I encountered Jesus in such a real, intimate and profound way that I was transformed completely. I gave my life over to Jesus and have followed Him ever since. ICPE spirituality has shaped and formed my spirituality, and my spiritual and emotional maturity owes a great deal to the ICPE Mission and what it espouses, this radical love for Jesus.
When we choose to give freely and generously of ourselves to God, He responds by giving us more than we could ever have imagined, more love, more joy, more peace, just more of everything that makes life rich, fulfilling and complete. If we are faithful, He reciprocates in ways that are beyond our expectations. Jesus, my Bridegroom, has been the most tender, caring, self-giving husband a woman could ever want. He knows exactly what I need and His nurturing love has given me the confidence to fly high and be the best I could ever be in terms of living up to my human potential. His love for me knows no bounds and the gift of P in my life is a testament to that love.
Whether I am Associate or Companion, whether I am single or married, I am this unique, individual creature He made. I have not changed fundamentally. I am still the same woman who loves with all her being, who has learned to wear her feelings as a badge of honour, and to allow them to move her to small and great acts of love every day. I am the same me who strives to be a better person daily, to be as wise and compassionate as Jesus was.
I do not love my ICPE brothers and sisters any less than I did yesterday for the bonds of love forged in Christ already exist. I remain committed to the ICPE ideals of knowing Christ and making Christ known, for I still desire to bring the love and joy of God to His people, near and far. I still wish to be the catalyst that brings others back into the Father's loving arms: to reunite the prodigals, reacquaint the lost and lonely with the mercy and tenderness of God. I want to be His hands and feet, to bring comfort and healing, wherever it is needed. I aspire to enable others to have a personal and transformational encounter with Jesus as I myself first experienced all those years ago.
Jesus lives today, in our lives, and He suffers and cries together with us when we suffer and cry, as He rejoices with us when we are happy. He never abandons us, and He is always waiting for us to discover Him. This truth of Christian love never gets old for we all seek this everlasting, unconditional love, whether we recognize it or not. We all need Him in our lives, all the time, whether we acknowledge it or not. My wish is for everyone to experience the joy of this truth.
I am a missionary disciple, and if I call myself one, I must think and act like one. So I look to the future, the future He has planned for me, and I say an unqualified yes to allowing him to use me as He wills. As I wrote and signed in my commitment as Associate yesterday, this commitment reflects not only my fidelity to my soon-to-be spouse, P, and my spiritual family, ICPE Mission, but to my Lord and my God.
So whatever comes my way, I have the strength of my commitment, my yes to the One who loved me first, to propel me forward, with a smile on my face and a lightness of heart.