What began as a simple desire to use my gift of reading aloud has led to being part of St. Teresa's PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) Exco - a responsibility I never sought and I was quite dismayed when I was elected. However, I did say "yes" as Edwina, the retreat facilitator, pointed out.
Indeed I did.
The PPC retreat began with probing questions on why each of us was there. It was heartening to note that there were quite a few who felt like I did ("Aiyah, why me, ah?"). As we went through the planned activities - mostly games - a transformation soon took place.
I learned to stop looking back to examine how I arrived at this point, but instead to be present in the moment and to recognize God's presence in the moment.
I got to know my fellow councillors and it was equally enjoyable and humbling to get to know some of them - good men and women of faith. (It was also mega fun to hang out with my cousin J. whose high empathy taught me a lesson or two.)
Other new skills I picked up were how to work in a team successfully: never to make assumptions but to assume that we each have a different way of processing information and to therefore clarify continually; to be aware of the people factor and not just focus on getting the task done; and to be empathetic and cooperative in getting a job done collectively. And, of course, to persevere in all things.
The two days spent in communal prayer and fellowship also brought back great memories of my first experience of community life in Bangalore in 2003 and my "burning bush" experience. A timely reminder of how God always answers prayer.
Apart from having fun, my learning lesson about myself is that I tend to be negative for I am highly critical of self and I need to take myself less seriously. I also need to love myself even when I goof up and accept I make mistakes, like everyone else.
At the start of Lent, my SD did challenge me to dive into the deep and despite the busyness of my life, I think I have managed to do just that.
Thank God for fun and games.