While the new U.S. president has adopted the rousing "Yes we can" to counter the economic gloom brought on by the financial
tsunami that has engulfed the world, what seems to be more representative of the times is the self-indulgent "Because we can".
"Because we can live on credit, it's okay to buy, eat and drink as much as we want. So what if we live beyond our means?"
"Because we can get away with it, let's dip into someone else's pocket and 'borrow' some funds. They're rich, they won't know or feel it."
"Because that hot colleague wants me, we can indulge our sexual desires. Hey, it's only sex, we're not hurting anyone or cheating."
"Because we love each other, we can totally disregard our spouses and families, and focus on attaining our own happiness. Anything that feels this good must be right."
"Because we can fool everyone, let's lie, bribe, cheat, steal, commit murder, break every rule in the book to get what we want. As long as we don't get caught, it's cool."
"Because we can, let's waste precious resources and continue despoiling the earth, taking everything we can for our own comfort. Who cares about future generations, all that matter is I, me and myself in the here and now!"
The signs of relativism, consumerism and materialism are symptomatic of a society devoid of morals, integrity and a lack of a fundamental sense of right and wrong.
Worse, we don't realize when we are wrong or have behaved inappropriately for "everyone is doing it so it's fine" seems to be the perfect 'out' clause.
If the world were a happier place, that may be cause for justification, but there seems to be more lonely, unhappy people; more addictions and substance abuse; more infidelity and broken marriages/families; more hurt and rage and killings... more darkness in the world due to selfish motives of ego-centric beings driven by money, success, power, fame and misplaced ideals.
What can be done to regain that inner compass that directs us to recognize and choose not only good over bad but best over better?
It begins with the realization that everything we have was first given to us out of love from the Creator.
It begins with wisdom to understand who we are, where we come from, what we can accomplish, when we should just be and why love - selfless, mature and sacrificial love - is the only thing that matters.
It begins with gratitude for all things in life right down to the next breath we draw.
It begins with the humility to appreciate the happy incidence of grace.
St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote a prayer commonly known as
suscipe, which is Latin for 'receive' that can help us make the best choice:
"Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my entire will. All I have and call my own, You have given to me; to you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace. That is enough for me."Because we can choose good over evil... make a positive impact... realize our potential to the fullest... make the world a better place... be a catalyst to progressive change... be honest, upright, loving, caring, sharing... and a half-decent human being.
Yes we can!